.. highlight:: rest ********************* Coordinates in specdb ********************* The algorithms in specdb primarily make use of the SkyCoord class in astropy. For input in scripts and methods, however, most of the routines take a range of formats which are converted by linetools.utils.radec_to_coord to a SkyCoord instance. .. _coord_formats: Formats ======= Here are the generally allowed formats for input coordinates: ======= ========= ======================== ======================= Style Type Example Comment ======= ========= ======================== ======================= J2000 str 'J123411.12+123411.1' The 'J' is not required colon str '00:22:33.1,+12:22:33.3' The ':" are not required radec tuple (23.2311, -12.2311) RA, DEC in deg; units not required coord SkyCoord ======= ========= ======================== =======================