.. highlight:: rest ***************** Installing specdb ***************** This document describes how to install the `specdb` repository. We also describe :ref:`download-public`. Installing Dependencies ======================= We have and will continue to keep the number of dependencies low. There are a few standard packages that must be installed and one package `linetools` under review for `astropy` affiliated status. In general, we recommend that you use Anaconda for the majority of these installations. Detailed installation instructions are presented below: Python Dependencies ------------------- specdb depends on the following list of Python packages. We recommend that you use `Anaconda `_ to install and/or update these packages. * `python `_ versions 2.7, or 3.3 or later * `numpy `_ version 1.12 or later * `astropy `_ version 1.3 or later * `scipy `_ version 0.18 or later * `matplotlib `_ version 1.4 or later * `PyQT5 `_ version 5 (needed for linetools) * `h5py `_ version 2.6 (for data I/O) If you are using Anaconda, you can check the presence of these packages with:: conda list "^python|numpy|astropy|scipy|matplotlib|pyqt|h5py" If the packages have been installed, this command should print out all the packages and their version numbers. If any of these packages are missing you can install them with a command like:: conda install h5py If any of the packages are out of date, they can be updated with a command like:: conda update scipy Installing linetools -------------------- The latest version of `linetools `_ is also required for `specdb`. `linetools` is a package designed for the analysis of 1-D spectra. The installation steps for `linetools` are provided `here `_. Installing specdb ================= Presently, you must download the code from github:: #go to the directory where you would like to install specdb. git clone https://github.com/specdb/specdb.git From there, you can build and install with cd specdb python setup.py install # or use develop This should install the package and scripts. Make sure that your PATH includes the standard location for Python scripts (e.g. ~/anaconda/bin) .. _download-public: Downloading the public Data Bases ================================= *specdb* provides a set of scripts to :ref:`download-scipts`. We summarize the primary ones here. igmspec ------- `igmspec` is a public database intended to contain all published spectra associated to intergalactic medium (IGM) studies (see `paper_coming_soon `_ for further details). To grab `igmspec` you can download the database (in HDF5 format) from its public domain using the script provided by `specdb`. You can download the file to any location of your choice but we recommend to locate it in the ./data/DB/ subdirectory within specdb, e.g.:: cd specdb/data/DB specdb_get_igmspec This will start a download of the most recent `igmspec` database; the current file is v02 and has ~26Gb. Once the file is downloaded, you need to make sure the shell environmental variable `$SPECDB` points to the host directory. See :ref:`download-igmspec` for additional details on the script.