.. highlight:: rest ************** specdb Scripts ************** This file summarizes the *specdb* scripts which are executed outside a Python shell, but use Python code. These are installed within your standard Python script path (e.g. ~/anaconda/bin). Notebooks ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Simple Scripts .. _download-scripts: Download a Database =================== *specdb* includes a set of scripts for downloading its public databases. Here is a brief description of each. .. _download-igmspec: specdb_get_igmspec ------------------ The download script for *igmspec* is named specdb_get_igmspec. Here is its usage:: wolverine-6.local> specdb_get_igmspec -h usage: specdb_get_igmspec [-h] [-v VERSION] Grab the IGMspec DB optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v VERSION, --version VERSION DB version to generate The script uses a simple wget command to the URL of the *igmspec* database. It defaults to the most recent version of the database. specdb_get_uvqs --------------- The download script for *UVQS* is named specdb_get_uvqs. Here is its usage:: wolverine> specdb_get_uvqs -h usage: specdb_get_uvqs [-h] [-v VERSION] Grab the UVQS DB optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v VERSION, --version VERSION DB version to generate The script uses a simple wget command to the URL of the *UVQS* database. It defaults to the most recent version of the database. specdb_plot =========== Plot a spectrum at the given coordinate. One can restrict the database and/or surveys used and/or select the desired spectrum from the available list. By default, the XSpecGui gui from linetools is called to display the spectrum. Here is the usage:: wolverine-6.local> specdb_plot -h usage: specdb_plot [-h] [--tol TOL] [--meta] [-g GROUP] [--select SELECT] [--mplot MPLOT] [--db_file DB_FILE] coord dbase specdb_plot script v0.3 positional arguments: coord Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or 122.223,-23.2322 or 07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1 dbase Database [igmspec,all,priv] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --tol TOL Maximum offset in arcsec [default=5.] --meta Show meta data? [default: True] -g GROUP, --group GROUP Name of Group to use (e.g. BOSS_DR12) --select SELECT Index of spectrum to plot (when multiple exist) --mplot MPLOT Use simple matplotlib plot [default: False] --db_file DB_FILE Full path of db_file Here is an example or two:: specdb_plot J220248.31+123656.3 priv --db_file=qpq_optical.hdf5 specdb_plot J220248.31+123656.3 igmspec specdb_cat ========== Query the main catalog by coordinate and return RA, DEC, zem, and flag_group. Here is the usage:: usage: specdb_cat [-h] [--tol TOL] [--db_file DB_FILE] coord dbase specdb_cat script v0.1 positional arguments: coord Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or 122.223,-23.2322 or 07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1 dbase Database [igmspec,uvqs,qpq,priv] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --tol TOL Maximum offset in arcsec [default=5.] --db_file DB_FILE Full path of db_file specdb_meta =========== Show some meta data for all the sources within tolerance of a given coordinate and with meta data in one of the data groups. Sources that only appear in the main catalog will return nothing. You may wish to use spedb_cat instead. One must specify the database and can restrict on Group. Here is the usage:: specdb_meta -h usage: specdb_meta [-h] [--tol TOL] [-g GROUP] [--db_file DB_FILE] coord dbase specdb_meta script v0.1 positional arguments: coord Coordinates, e.g. J081240.7+320809 or 122.223,-23.2322 or 07:45:00.47,34:17:31.1 dbase Database [igmspec,uvqs,all,priv] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --tol TOL Maximum offset in arcsec [default=5.] -g GROUP, --group GROUP Restrict on Group (e.g. BOSS_DR12) --db_file DB_FILE Full path of db_file .. _sdss-spec: sdss_spec ========= Grab data from the SDSS/BOSS survey with plate-fiber notation. Here is the help:: $specdb_sdss -h usage: specdb_sdss [-h] [-s SURVEY] [--select SELECT] [-p] plate fiberid dbase specdb_sdss script v0.1 positional arguments: plate Plate fiberid FiberID dbase Database [igmspec,all] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SURVEY, --survey SURVEY Name of Survey to use (BOSS_DR12 or SDSS_DR7) --select SELECT Index of spectrum to plot (when multiple exist) -p, --plot Plot with lt_xspec Here is an example:: specdb_sdss 377 321 igmspec