Usage with Python

This file introduces the SpecDB Class and provides links to the main actions for using a specdb database from within Python.

See the specdb Scripts documentation for a discussion of command-line usage from the command line.


There are three standard activities related to using a specdb database:

  1. Querying the Source Catalog
  2. Querying the Meta Data
  3. Retrieving Spectra

Use the above links to examine the documentation and examples for each of these activities.

SpecDB Class

Essentially all of database interfacing is performed through the SpecDB Class (or one of its children). This class loads the database, performs queries on the catalogs and meta data, and retrieves the spectra.


Step 0 is to instantiate by pointing the Class at the database of interest. Here is an example:

from specdb.specdb import SpecDB
specdb = SpecDB(db_file='/my_path/IGMspec_DB_v02.hdf5')

At instantiation, the SpecDB object performs the actions:

  • Opens a pointer to the HDF5 file
  • Loads a QueryCatalog object into specdb.qcat
  • Loads the source catalog as an astropy.Table in
  • Loads the list of data groups in specdb.groups
  • Loads a dict translating the data group flags in specdb.group_dict
  • Generates an empty dict in specdb._gdict which will be used to interface with the data groups


The various public databases may have a unique child of SpecDB. Currently, there is:

Database SpecDB Child
igmspec IgmSpec

Here is an example instantiation for igmspec:

igmsp = IgmSpec()  # Loads the highest version in $SPECDB

This loads the highest version number of any HDF5 files located in the $SPECDB folder.