Installing specdb

This document describes how to install the specdb repository. We also describe Downloading the public Data Bases.

Installing Dependencies

We have and will continue to keep the number of dependencies low. There are a few standard packages that must be installed and one package linetools under review for astropy affiliated status.

In general, we recommend that you use Anaconda for the majority of these installations.

Detailed installation instructions are presented below:

Python Dependencies

specdb depends on the following list of Python packages.

We recommend that you use Anaconda to install and/or update these packages.

  • python versions 2.7, or 3.3 or later
  • numpy version 1.12 or later
  • astropy version 1.3 or later
  • scipy version 0.18 or later
  • matplotlib version 1.4 or later
  • PyQT5 version 5 (needed for linetools)
  • h5py version 2.6 (for data I/O)

If you are using Anaconda, you can check the presence of these packages with:

conda list "^python|numpy|astropy|scipy|matplotlib|pyqt|h5py"

If the packages have been installed, this command should print out all the packages and their version numbers.

If any of these packages are missing you can install them with a command like:

conda install h5py

If any of the packages are out of date, they can be updated with a command like:

conda update scipy

Installing linetools

The latest version of linetools is also required for specdb. linetools is a package designed for the analysis of 1-D spectra. The installation steps for linetools are provided here.

Installing specdb

Presently, you must download the code from github:

#go to the directory where you would like to install specdb.
git clone

From there, you can build and install with

cd specdb python install # or use develop

This should install the package and scripts. Make sure that your PATH includes the standard location for Python scripts (e.g. ~/anaconda/bin)

Downloading the public Data Bases

specdb provides a set of scripts to download-scipts. We summarize the primary ones here.


igmspec is a public database intended to contain all published spectra associated to intergalactic medium (IGM) studies (see paper_coming_soon for further details). To grab igmspec you can download the database (in HDF5 format) from its public domain using the script provided by specdb. You can download the file to any location of your choice but we recommend to locate it in the ./data/DB/ subdirectory within specdb, e.g.:

cd specdb/data/DB

This will start a download of the most recent igmspec database; the current file is v02 and has ~26Gb. Once the file is downloaded, you need to make sure the shell environmental variable $SPECDB points to the host directory.

See specdb_get_igmspec for additional details on the script.